Looking For An Early Learning Experience For Your Future Kindergartner?

Looking For An Early Learning Experience For Your Future Kindergartner?

If your child will enter kindergarten at an RSD school in Fall 2020 and has not participated in preschool or faces other challenges that could affect their success in the classroom, the new Promise Kindergarten (Promise K) program is just for them.

Promise K is a free, full-day program at Badger Mountain and Lewis & Clark elementary schools with capacity for 36 students that will begin in January 2020. The early entrance kindergarten program is aimed at helping children build social and basic academic skills so they can transition to a school setting and become lifelong learners.

Children are screened for Promise K based on their socio-emotional and academic needs. Classes will begin on Jan. 22 and end on June 9, with students continuing into a regular kindergarten classroom in the fall.